Janos hand picked an hour of tunes starting with bands who risked their lives and liberty in communist Hungary in the late 70's right up to the current wave of punk bands.
Trying to find accurate release info on a lot of the tracks Janos selected proved to be near on impossible as was finding original versions of a few of the songs chosen, so we went with some re recorded versions of important tracks to tell the story.
Thanks to Janos for putting this show together.
The playlist and some notes:
C.P.G-Erdős Péter
Kretens-Ünnep a túlvilágon
Agydaganat-Világosítsd fel
QSS-Rut Faziat
Elit Osztag-Kék fény
Tizedes meg a többiek-Zuhanj te bombázó
Auróra-Egy kis anarchia
Hatóságilag Tilos-Nem ez voltál
Hétköznapi Csalódások-5 óra 30 perc
C.A.F.B-Engedj be
Prosectura-Mindenki egyért
Alvin és a Mókusok-Júlia nem akar a földön járni
Utolsó alkalom-Tiszta csuda
Trabant-Kész az egész
Download the show as an MP3 here.
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