Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Requests please...

The final #GSHradio show of the year is coming up on Tuesday December 20th and we are handing over the show to our listeners, people who have helped us out over the past year and some of the bands we like to choose the songs we play on the night.

The show starts at an earlier than usual time of 21.00 and is an extended two hour Christmas riot of tunes and we want you to choose a GSH friendly song to go on the show. Message your song choice to us on Twitter, Facebook, Mixcloud or here

Closing date for requests is Tuesday December 13th.

We will fit as many requests as possible onto the show and credit everyone’s good taste so you’ll get a mention (it would be great if you could also let us know why you chose your song) so get digging through your record collections and get in touch…


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